[Linux] With multiple monitors, user sees one screen but their clicks interact with a different screen
Colin Plank
Running Ubuntu 18.04.
Using 3 screens. When I share my primary monitor, the user sees 2nd monitor but interacts with primary. When I share 2nd, they see primary but interact with 2nd. When I shared 3rd, they saw and interacted with 3rd.
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Matt Welke
I experienced this issue after installing the .deb app today on Ubuntu 18.04. I came here and then checked the version I had installed. I installed a file called "screen-desktop_1.0.19_amd64" that I downloaded from the website, so I think I'm running version 1.0.19. I cannot verify the version installed via CLI because when I run a command like "screen-desktop -v" or "screen-desktop --version" it doesn't display the version, it just starts the app. However, the panel that appears in the bottom right of my screen when I click the app's icon does show multiple installed versions. Attached is what I see.
Colin Plank
Tested this change. It works!
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
I’ve deployed a fix, which is now live:
snap refresh screen
to update.J Sherwani (Pop Team)
in progress
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
Gordon Forsythe
Having weird issues as well... two different sized monitors. Shared larger, but other person sees smaller and portion of larger monitor.
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
Gordon Forsythe: Could you see if the new update fixes things for you too? If not, it may be a different bug that I can work with you to fix.
Gordon Forsythe
J Sherwani (Pop Team): snap refresh screen says no updates available
Gordon Forsythe
I will try it out again later today if I get a chance.