Remote Control?
Aaron Kramer
I am not finding the ability to remote control a desktop. It does not seem to matter if I start the meeting or the other person starts the meeting. It doesn't seem to matter if I share or they share - is there no remote control? Or was there this feature, and now it's gone?
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Michal Karnicki
If you're not in the drawing mode, you're in control mode. You simply click on your peer's screen and you can immediately start typing remotely. Remote control, next to drawing, is one of the two application modes.
Graham Downs
Michal Karnicki: My colleague and I (we're in different cities) couldn't get it working either. Drawing mode worked: we could see each others' drawings, but remote control did not. I as host could see his cursor move, and hear him typing, but nothing appeared on my screen. Nor could he CLICK anywhere on my screen. It just... didn't work. :(