Hi, I'm running PopOS, which is an Ubuntu-based distro (20.10)
cat /etc/lsb-release
When I try to share my screen, there's an exclamation mark over the Share Screen button and a tooltip that reads "Access error". The other person sees a blue screen with a spinner. They _can_ see me move around my cursor, can draw on my screen, etc. but no image.
I assume there's some kind of permissions error accessing the display. I've tried running
with sudo to see if that would help but I get:
[2252404:0306/172524.418612:FATAL:electron_main_delegate.cc(253)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.
zsh: trace trap sudo /usr/bin/screen-desktop
Screen version: v4.0.85 | v4.0.11 installed via the .deb package.
How can I help troubleshoot? Thanks!